Setting Up Video Endpoints
78 Avaya Video Telephony Solution Networking Guide
Configure a Polycom MGC-25 Video Conferencing Bridge
Platform for an Avaya S8300 Server
This section describes how to configure a Polycom MGC-25 video conferencing bridge platform
for use with an Avaya S8300 server.
When setting up these systems, you will need to know the following information:
● the IP codec sets you want to use
● the IP network regions you want use
● the IP address of the IP board for the MGC system
● the IP address of the CLAN
Configuration Procedures
To configure a Polycom MGC-25 video conferencing bridge platform for use with an Avaya
S8300 server, you must perform the following steps:
1. Add an entry in the IP Node Names for the MGC system.
2. Add a two-way trunk group for the MGC system.
3. Add a signaling group for the MGC system.
4. Add members to the two-way trunk group for the MGC system.
5. Create a route pattern for the trunk group.
6. Configure the MGC system.
Procedure 1: Add an Entry in the IP Node Names for the MGC System
To add an entry in the IP Node Names form for the MGC system:
1. Use the change node-names ip command to access the IP Node Names form.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the MGC system.
3. In the corresponding IP Address field, enter the IP address of the IP board for the MGC