Setting Up Video Endpoints
84 Avaya Video Telephony Solution Networking Guide
For outgoing signaling groups, you must:
● Create one outgoing signaling group (LRQ signaling group) per board in the Polycom
MGC system for the primary CLAN. This outgoing signaling group is used for outgoing
LRQ calls to the co-resident gatekeeper in the Polycom MGC system.
Keep in mind the following information:
- For Avaya Communication Manager Release 3.0.1, one signaling group can support a
maximum of 31 calls.
- For Avaya Communication Manager Release 3.1 or later, one signaling group can
support a maximum of 255 calls.
● Set the following parameters for the outgoing signaling groups:
- IP Video? to y.
- Near-end Listen Port to 1719.
- Far-end Listen Port to 1719.
- LRQ Required? to y.
- Enable Layer 3 Test to n.
- Direct IP-IP Audio Connections to? to y.
- Far-end Network Region. If you set the maximum bandwidth for video calls in an IP
network region, assign the appropriate IP network region.
Note: Do not set Trunk Group for Channel Selection. If you set this parameter, all
incoming video calls may fail or video may close during audio shuffle.
● Optional: Create one outgoing signaling group per board in the Polycom MGC system for
the secondary CLAN.
● Optional: Create additional outgoing signaling groups per board in the Polycom MGC
system per CLAN for additional CLAN load sharing and additional call capacity.
Group Member Assignments
Keep in mind the following information:
● Group member assignments for the incoming trunk may consist of all incoming signaling
groups for the Polycom MGC system.
● Group member assignments for the primary outgoing trunk may consist of all signaling
groups defined for multiple CLANs to the one primary board in the Polycom MGC system.
Do not mix Polycom MGC boards.
● Group member assignments for the secondary outgoing trunk may consist of all signaling
groups defined for multiple CLANs to the other boards in the Polycom MGC system.