78 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
Following up on a contact
Follow up on a contact after you complete a contact but want to perform a
follow-up action, for example, to transfer a contact to another agent.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Click Follow-up.
The e-mail display control appears.
2 Perform the necessary follow-up action on the contact.
Transferring a contact within the contact center
Transfer a contact to another skillset or to a specific agent within the Contact
When you transfer a contact to a skillset or agent, you also transfer ownership
of the contact. The system automatically forwards the entire contact, including
any attachments, to the new agent. You can also add new content to the contact.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Click Transfer.
2 Click the Skillset tab to assign the contact to any agent with a particular
skillset, or click the Agent tab to assign the contact to a specific agent.
3 Select the skillset or agent to which you want to transfer the contact.
4 In the Agent Note box, type a brief note about the reason for the transfer.
5 Click Transfer.