13. Projector control
Image 13-66
13.8 Menu position
• On screen menu
• Bar scale
13.8.1 On screen menu
What is possible?
The on screen menu can be positioned on 3 different places on the screen but always vertically centered on the screen.
The horizontal position can be:
• Centered
• Top aligned
• Bottom aligned
Menu position
Menu [center]
Barscale [center]
Menu position
Menu [top]
Barscale [center]
Menu position
Menu [bottom]
Barscale [center]
Image 13-67
Menu position
How to change the position
1. Press MENU to activate the menus.
2. Use the ▲ or ▼ key to select Projector control and press ENTER.
3. Use the ▲ or ▼ key to select Menu position and press ENTER.
4. Use the ▲ or ▼ key to select Menu and press ENTER to toggle between [Center], [Top] and [Bottom].
Image 13-68
Image 13-69
Image 13-70
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