Chapter 8. Installing XenServer for CloudPlatform
• 2 NICs on private, 2 NICs on public, storage uses management network
• 1 NIC for private, public, and storage
All NIC bonding is optional.
XenServer expects all nodes in a cluster will have the same network cabling and same bonds
implemented. In an installation the master will be the first host that was added to the cluster and the
slave hosts will be all subsequent hosts added to the cluster. The bonds present on the master set
the expectation for hosts added to the cluster later. The procedure to set up bonds on the master and
slaves are different, and are described below. There are several important implications of this:
• You must set bonds on the first host added to a cluster. Then you must use xe commands as below
to establish the same bonds in the second and subsequent hosts added to a cluster.
• Slave hosts in a cluster must be cabled exactly the same as the master. For example, if eth0 is in
the private bond on the master, it must be in the management network for added slave hosts. Management Network Bonding
The administrator must bond the management network NICs prior to adding the host to CloudPlatform. Creating a Private Bond on the First Host in the Cluster
Use the following steps to create a bond in XenServer. These steps should be run on only the first
host in a cluster. This example creates the cloud-private network with two physical NICs (eth0 and
eth1) bonded into it.
1. Find the physical NICs that you want to bond together.
# xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth0
# xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth1
These command shows the eth0 and eth1 NICs and their UUIDs. Substitute the ethX devices of
your choice. Call the UUID's returned by the above command slave1-UUID and slave2-UUID.
2. Create a new network for the bond. For example, a new network with name "cloud-private".
This label is important. CloudPlatform looks for a network by a name you configure. You
must use the same name-label for all hosts in the cloud for the management network.
# xe network-create name-label=cloud-private
# xe bond-create network-uuid=[uuid of cloud-private created above]
Now you have a bonded pair that can be recognized by CloudPlatform as the management network. Public Network Bonding
Bonding can be implemented on a separate, public network. The administrator is responsible for
creating a bond for the public network if that network will be bonded and will be separate from the
management network. Creating a Public Bond on the First Host in the Cluster
These steps should be run on only the first host in a cluster. This example creates the cloud-public
network with two physical NICs (eth2 and eth3) bonded into it.