Upgrade from 2.2.x to 4.2
12. Choose "U" to upgrade the package.
> U
13. If you have made changes to your existing copy of the configuration files components.xml,
db.properties, or server.xml in your previous-version CloudPlatform installation, the changes will
be preserved in the upgrade. However, you need to do the following steps to place these changes
in a new version of the file which is compatible with version 4.2.
How will you know whether you need to do this? If the upgrade output in the previous step
included a message like the following, then some custom content was found in your old file,
and you need to merge the two files:
warning: /etc/cloud.rpmsave/management/components.xml created as /etc/cloudstack/
a. Make a backup copy of your previous version file. For example: (substitute the file name
components.xml, db.properties, or server.xml in these commands as needed)
# mv /etc/cloudstack/management/components.xml /etc/cloudstack/management/
b. Copy the *.rpmnew file to create a new file. For example:
# cp -ap /etc/cloudstack/management/components.xml.rpmnew /etc/cloudstack/management/
c. Merge your changes from the backup file into the new file. For example:
# vi /etc/cloudstack/management/components.xml
14. On the management server node, run the following command. It is recommended that you use the
command-line flags to provide your own encryption keys. See Password and Key Encryption in
the Installation Guide.
# cloudstack-setup-encryption -e <encryption_type> -m <management_server_key> -k
When used without arguments, as in the following example, the default encryption type and keys
will be used:
• (Optional) For encryption_type, use file or web to indicate the technique used to pass in the
database encryption password. Default: file.
• (Optional) For management_server_key, substitute the default key that is used to encrypt
confidential parameters in the properties file. Default: password. It is highly recommended that
you replace this with a more secure value