Create a Bare Metal Network Offering
11.3.8. Create a Bare Metal Network Offering
1. Log in as admin to the CloudPlatform UI.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings.
3. In Select Offering, choose Network Offering.
4. Click Add Network Offering.
5. In the dialog, make the following choices:
• Name: You can give the offering any desired name. For example, Baremetal.
• Guest Type: Shared
• Supported Services:
• DHCP checkbox: checked
• DHCP Provider: Baremetal
• User Data checkbox: checked
• User Data Provider: Baremetal
• Security Groups: checked
• BaremetalPxeServer: checked
• Additional choices in this dialog are described in "Creating a New Network Offering" in the
Administrator's Guide.
6. Click OK.
7. Verify:
a. In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings.
b. In the Select Offering dropdown, choose Network Offerings.
c. Click the name of the offering you just created, and check the details. In State, be sure the
offering is Enabled. If not, click the Enable button.
11.3.9. Set Up the Security Group Agent (Optional)
If you are not using security groups, you can skip this section. Continue with Section 11.3.11, “Add a
Bare Metal Zone”.
If you plan to use security groups to control traffic to bare metal instances, you need to install security
group agent software on each bare metal host. This involves downloading the software, making it
available in an accessible repository, and modifying the kickstart file to go get this software during
1. Download the agent software from the following link:
The agent software depends on several other RPMs: