Chapter 11. Bare Metal Installation
7. In the list of Network service providers, click Baremetal DHCP. In the Details node, click Add
Baremetal DHCP Device button. The Add Baremetal DHCP Device dialog will appear.
8. In the Add Baremetal DHCP Device dialog:
• URL: http://<PXE DHCP server IP address>
• Username: login username
• Password: password
11.3.15. Create a Bare Metal Template
In these steps, it is assumed you already have a directory on your NFS server containing the image for
the bare metal instance, as well as the kickstart file. See Section 11.3.6, “Create a Bare Metal Image”
and Section 11.2, “About Bare Metal Kickstart Installation”.
1. Log into the UI as either an end user or administrator.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.
3. Click Create Template.
4. In the dialog box, enter the following values.
• Name. Short name for the template.
• Display Text. Description of the template.
• URL. The location of the image file on your NFS server in the format:
For example:
The kickstart file is located on an HTTP server. We use the link to it here.
• Zone. All Zones.
• OS Type. Select the OS type of the ISO image. Choose other if the OS Type of the ISO is not
listed or if the ISO is not bootable.
• Hypervisor. BareMetal.
• Format. BareMetal.
• Password Enabled. No.
• Public. No.