Bulk loading data using the LOAD TABLE statement
Only one single-byte character can be used as an escape character.
Note Because you must specify ESCAPES OFF in this version of Adaptive
Server IQ, the
ESCAPE CHARACTER option has no effect. It is provided for
compatibility with Adaptive Server Anywhere.
WITH CHECKPOINT ON clause If this option is set to ON, a checkpoint is
issued when the
LOAD TABLE statement completes and is logged. In the event
recovery is required, it is guaranteed even if the data file is then removed from
the system.
WITH CHECKPOINT ON is not specified, the file used for loading must be
retained in case recovery is required.
BLOCK SIZE option Specifies the default size in bytes in which input
should be read. This option only affects variable-length input data read from
files; it is not valid for fixed-length input fields. It is similar to
, but there are no restrictions on the relationship of record size to block
size. You cannot specify this option along with the
The default setting for
BLOCK SIZE is 500,000, which is high enough for input
from disk files. For tape files, you should specify the same block size that was
used when creating the tape. You cannot specify
BLOCK SIZE along with
BLOCK FACTOR or with any fixed width input fields.
The following UNIX example specifies a BLOCK SIZE of 200,000 bytes:
(l_orderkey ’\x09’,
l_quantity ’\x09’,
l_shipdate DATE(’YYYY/MM/DD’))
FROM ’/d1/MILL1/tt.t’
BYTE ORDER option Specifies the byte ordering during reads. This
option applies to all binary input fields, including those defined as PREFIX 2
or PREFIX 4. If none are defined, this option is ignored. Adaptive Server IQ
always reads prefix binary data in the format native to the machine it is running
on (default is
NATIVE). You can also specify:
HIGH when multibyte quantities have the high order byte first (for big
endian platforms like Sun, IBM AIX, HP, and Silicon Graphics IRIX).
LOW when multibyte quantities have the low order byte first (for little
endian platforms like DEC ALPHA, and Windows NT).
Here is a Windows NT example: