International language and character set tasks
Starting a database server using character set translation
Character set translation takes place if the client and server locales are
different, but only if you specifically turn on character set conversion on the
database server command line.
❖ To enable character-set translation on a database server:
• Start the database server using the -ct command-line option. For
asiqsrv12 -ct asiqdemo.db
or on UNIX:
start_asiq -ct asiqdemo.db
Using ODBC code page translation
Adaptive Server IQ provides an ODBC translation driver. This driver
converts characters between OEM and ANSI code pages. It allows Windows
applications using ANSI code pages to be compatible with databases that use
OEM code pages in their collations.
Note If you use an ANSI character set in your database, and are using ANSI
character set applications, you do not need to use this translation driver.
The translation driver carries out a mapping between the OEM code page in use
in the "DOS box" and the ANSI code page used in the Windows operating
system. If your database uses the same code page as the OEM code page, the
characters are translated properly. If your database does not use the same code
page as your machine's OEM code page, you will still have compatibility
Embedded SQL does not provide any such code page translation mechanism.