CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
You must enter a connection string on a single line, with the parameter settings
separated by semicolons.
Connection parameters are passed as connection strings
Connection parameters are passed to the interface library as a connection
string. This string consists of a set of parameters, separated by semicolons.
In general, the connection string built up by an application and passed to the
interface library does not correspond directly to the way a user enters the
information. Instead, a user may fill in a dialog box, or the application may read
connection information from an initialization file.
Certain Adaptive Server IQ utilities accept a connection string as the
command-line option and pass the connection string on to the interface library
without change. For example, the following is a typical Collation utility
dbcollat) command line for Windows NT systems. It should be entered all on
one line.
dbcollat -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;dbn=asiqdemo"
Note DBISQL processes the connection string internally. It does not simply
pass on the connection parameters to the interface library. Do not use
Interactive SQL to test command strings from a command prompt.
Simple connection examples
Although the connection model for Adaptive Server IQ is configurable, and
can become complex, in many cases connecting to a database is very simple.
This section describes some simple cases of applications connecting to an
Adaptive Server IQ database. When you are getting started, this section may be
all you need, for example, if you are running the
asiqdemo sample database on
a local server and are not connected to a network. However, in most IQ
environments, in order to ensure that you can connect and disconnect properly,
a very complete set of connection parameters is essential.