CHAPTER 11 Backup and Data Recovery
Set B Tapes B
and B
. These must be restored as a set, after Set A, and either
before or after Set C. They can be in either the second or third device.
Set C Tapes C
, C
, and C
. These must be restored as a set, after Set A, and
either before or after Set B. They can be in either the second or third device.
The Restore program checks that tapes within each set are in the correct order
on a single device. If not, you get an error, and the restore does not proceed
until you supply the correct tape. Except for the set with the Catalog Store, it
does not matter which set you put on a given device.
Note You must ensure that the Catalog Store tape set is restored first. The
Restore program does not check this.
Although these rules also apply to disk files, you are not likely to back up to
multiple files on a given disk device.
Renaming the transaction log after you restore
When you rename or move all other files in the database, you should also do
the same for the log file. To move or rename the log file, use the Transaction
Log utility (
DBLOG). You should run this utility:
• After using
RESTORE with a new database name
• After using
RESTORE with the RENAME option
Note The database server must not be running on that database when the
transaction log filename is changed. If you try to use this utility on a running
database, you get an error message.
You can access the Transaction Log utility from the system command line,
using the
DBLOG command-line utility.
The DBLOG command-line utility
Syntax dblog
[switches] database-file
Switch Description
-m mirror-name Set transaction log mirror name.
-t log-name Set the transaction log name