Extron electronic 6400s Switch User Manual

Fiber Matrix 6400 Switcher • HTML Operation
7. The switcher checks several possibilities, in the following order, and then
responds accordingly:
a. Does the address include a specific file name, such as If so, the switcher downloads that HTML
b. Is there a file in the switcher’s memory that is named “index.html”?
If so, the switcher downloads “index.html” as the default startup page.
c. If neither of the above conditions is true, the switcher downloads the
factory-installed default startup page, “nortxe_index.html” (figure 6-2),
also known as the System Status page.
System Status Page
The System Status page (figure 6-2) provides an overall view of the status of
the matrix switcher, including individual voltages, and the serial port status
(if applicable). The System Status page is the default page that the switcher
downloads when you connect to the switcher. Access the System Status page from
other pages by clicking the Status tab.
Input Link
Figure 6-2 System Status page
The status web page periodically updates itself to reflect the latest status of the
switcher components. If a variable changes, the display shows the change the next
time it updates.