Operation, cont’d
Fiber Matrix 6400 Switcher • Operation
Suggested applications for the I/O grouping feature include:
• Segregatingspecicvideoformatstopreventaninputinonevideoformat
from being inadvertently applied to an output device that supports another
video format
• Segregatinginputandoutputdevicesthatareinseparaterooms
• Segregatingincompatiblebersignals,suchasthosefromanFOX500system
and a FOX HD-SDI system
• Isolatingvideofrombeingdisplayedonspecicoutputdevicesfor
operational security reasons
The I/O groups can be set up on the front panel or by using either serial port
and/or the LAN port and either the SIS or the Windows control program (see
chapter 4, “Programmer’s Guide”, and chapter 5, “Matrix Software”).
Create I/O groups on the front panel as follows:
1. Press the Esc button to clear any front panel button indications that may be lit.
2. To enter I/O Group mode, press and hold the Input 1 and Output 1 buttons
until the input and output buttons light to display the ungrouped inputs and
3. Press and release one of the Control buttons to select a group:
• PresstheEnterbuttontoselectgroup1.
• PressthePresetbuttontoselectgroup2.
• PresstheViewbuttontoselectgroup3.
• PresstheEscbuttontoselectgroup4.
4. Select the desired input(s) and output(s) to assign to the group by pressing the
input and output buttons.
5. Allow the I/O Group mode to time out after approximately 30 seconds.
N • Tiesbetweengroups(aninputingroup1tiedtoanoutputingroup2)can
be created under either serial port or Ethernet control.
• TiesthatwerecreatedbeforeI/Ogroupswerecreatedremainvalid,evenif
they include inputs and outputs in different groups.
• PresetscanbecreatedunderserialportorEthernetcontrolthattieinputs
and outputs across group boundaries. These presets are selectable from the
front panel.
• Aninputoroutputcanbeassignedtoonlyonegroup.Ifyouassignan
input or output to a group and that input or output is already assigned to a
different group, the older grouping is discarded in favor of the new grouping.
• ForI/Ogroupstohaveanyfunction,atleasttwogroupsmustbecreated.
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