Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.1 Volume Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
• Hold Reservation
Whether the target reservation key is used for persistent reservation is displayed.
When the volume is in reservation status other than persistent reservation status, "No" is displayed.
- Yes
In persistent reservation status
- No
Not in persistent reservation status
5.1.11 Volume Detail (Pinned Data)
The detailed information of pinned data is displayed.
The following items are displayed in the Main area:
The location of the pinned data in the volume is displayed using the Logical Block Address (LBA).
• RC
The reason (Reason Code) that created the pinned data is displayed.
• SK
The Sense Key (SK) part is displayed from the sense information that is output when the pinned data is
Additional Sense Code (ASC) part is displayed from the sense information that is output when the pinned
data is created.
Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ) part is displayed from the sense information that is output when
the pinned data is created.