HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6600 Switch User Manual

Stack Management for the 3500, 3500yl, 6200yl and 6600 Switches
Introduction to Stack Management on the 3500, 3500yl, 6200yl and 6600 Switches
Specific Rules
Table 7-2. Specific Rules for Commander, Candidate, and Member Switch
IP Addressing and
Stack Name
Number Allowed
Per Stack
Passwords SNMP Communities
Commander IP Addr: Requires an Only one
assigned IP address Commander
and mask for access switch is allowed
via the network. per stack.
Stack Name: Required
The Commander’s Manager
and Operator passwords are
assigned to any switch
becoming a Member of the
If you change the
Commander’s passwords, the
Commander propagates the
new passwords to all stack
Standard SNMP community
operation. The Commander
also operates as an SNMP
proxy to Members for all
SNMP communities config-
ured in the Commander.
Candidate IP Addr: Optional. n/a Passwords optional. If the Uses standard SNMP
Configuring an IP Candidate becomes a stack community operation if the
address allows access Member, it assumes the Candidate has its own IP
via Telnet or web Commander’s Manager and addressing.
browser interface Operator passwords.
while the switch is not
a stack member. In the
factory default configu-
ration the switch auto-
matically acquires an
IP address if your
network includes DHCP
If a candidate has a password,
it cannot be automatically
added to a stack. In this case,
if you want the Candidate in a
stack, you must manually add
it to the stack.
Stack Name: N/A
Member IP Addr: Optional. Up to 15 Members When the switch joins the Belongs to the same SNMP
Configuring an IP per stack. stack, it automatically communities as the
address allows access assumes the Commander’s Commander (which serves
via Telnet or web Manager and Operator pass- as an SNMP proxy to the
browser interface words and discards any pass- Member for communities to
without going through words it may have had while a which the Commander
the Commander switch. Candidate. belongs). To join other
This is useful, for communities that exclude
example, if the stack
Commander fails and
you need to convert a
Member switch to
operate as a replace-
ment Commander.
Note: If a Member leaves a
stack for any reason, it retains
the passwords assigned to the
stack Commander at the time
of departure from the stack.
the Commander, the
Member must have its own
IP address. Loss of stack
membership means loss of
membership in any commu-
nity that is configured only
Stack Name: N/A
in the Commander. See
“SNMP Community Opera-
tion in a Stack” on page