Classifier-Based Software Configuration
Creating a Traffic Class
[ icmpv4-type-name ]
You can also enter any of the following ICMPv4 packet-type
names to configure more precise match criteria for ICMP
packets in an IPv4 class configuration.
To display a list of valid icmpv4-type-name entries when you
enter icmp as the IP protocol type in a match/ignore state-
ment, type ?. Some of the valid values are as follows:
administratively-prohibited net-tos-unreachable
alternate-address net-unreachable
conversion-error network-unknown
dod-host-prohibited no-room-for-option
dod-net-prohibited option-missing
echo packet-too-big
echo-reply parameter-problem
general-parameter-problem port-unreachable
host-isolated precedence-unreachable
host-precedence-unreachable protocol-unreachable
host-redirect reassembly-timeout
host-tos-redirect redirect
host-tos-unreachable router-advertisement
host-unknown router-solicitation
host-unreachable source-quench
information-reply source-route-failed
information-request time-exceeded
mask-reply timestamp-reply
mask-request timestamp-request
mobile-redirect traceroute
net-redirect ttl-exceeded
net-tos-redirect unreachable