Using PageScope Web Connection
IC-206 11-7
The menus and commands may vary depending on the Web browser ver-
sion. For details, refer to the Help for the Web browser.
If the utility is used with the cache enabled and Administrator mode was
timed out, the timeout page may appear even when PageScope Web
Connection is accessed again. In addition, since the machine’s control
panel remains locked and cannot be used, the machine must be restart-
ed with the main power switch. In order to avoid this problem, disable the
With Internet Explorer:
1 On the “Tools” menu, click “Internet Options”.
2 On the General tab, click the [Settings] button under “Temporary Inter-
net files”.
3 Select “Every visit to the page”, and then click the [OK] button.
With Netscape Navigator:
1 On the “Edit” menu, click “Preferences”.
2 Under “Category” on the left, click “Advanced”, then “Cache”.
3 Under “Document in cache is compared to document on network:”, se-
lect “Every time”.