Using PageScope Web Connection
IC-206 11-57
When “FTP Server Address” is selected:
Item Description
Destination Name Type in the name of the recipient. The display name appears in the control
panel display.
FTP Server Ad-
Specify the IP address or the host name of the FTP site where the scan
data will be sent. (maximum 64 characters)
Directory Specify the directory on the FTP site where the scan data will be saved.
(maximum 128 characters)
Use Proxy Select this check box to access the FTP site through a proxy server.
Remote Port
Specify the port number (1 through 65535) for the remote host when a
proxy server is not used. Normally, port number 21 is used.
E-mail Notification Select this check box to send an e-mail message as notification that the
scan data has been uploaded to the FTP server.
Notification Ad-
Type in the e-mail addresses (up to 10) of the recipients for e-mail notifi-
cation. (maximum 64 characters)
Anonymous Select this setting when the FTP site of the recipient is an anonymous FTP
Private Site Select this setting when the FTP site of the recipient requires user authen-
tication, and then specify the following.
User Name: Specify the user name for logging on to the FTP site. (maxi-
mum 20 characters)
Password: Specify the password for the user name for logging on to the
FTP site. (maximum 20 characters)
Confirm: Type in the same password again for confirmation.