Omron C200HG Computer Hardware User Manual

It is assumed that the program contains 5,000 instructions requiring an average
of 0.156 µs each to execute, and that nothing is connected to the RS-232C port
and no SYSMAC NET/SYSMAC LINK Unit is mounted.
Slave Rack
Host Link Unit
Remote I/O
Master Unit
CPU Rack
Input Units
Output Units
Output Units
Input Units
Calculations The equation for the cycle time is as follows:
Cycle time = Overseeing time + Program execution time
+ I/O refreshing time + Host Link Unit servicing time
+ Peripheral device servicing time
Process Calculation With Peripheral
Peripheral Device
Overseeing Fixed 0.7 ms 0.7 ms
Program execution 0.156 µs/instruction
× 5,000 instructions
0.78 ms 0.78 ms
I/O refresh See below. 2.58 ms 2.58 ms
Host Link servicing Fixed 6.0 ms 6.0 ms
Peripheral device
0.7 + 0.78 + 2.58 +
6 = 10.06
10.06 × 0.05 = 0.50
0.50 ms 0.0 ms
Cycle time Total of above 10.56 ms 10.06 ms
The I/O refreshing time would be as follows for three 8-point Input Units and
three 8-point Output Units mounted in the CPU Rack, and eight Units mounted in
a Slave Rack.
+ 1.1 ms + 8 Units × 0.17 ms = 2.58 ms
8 pts
(8 pts × 3) + (8 pts × 3)
× 20 µs
Calculating Cycle Time Section 6-2