combining, AND LD and OR LD, 84
controlling bit status
using KEEP(11), 121
using OUT and OUT NOT, 150
format, 138
notation, 138
structure, 75
using logic blocks, 81
ladder diagram instructions, 149–150
LEDs. See CPU Unit indicators
leftmost, definition, 26
Link System, flags and control bits, 40–41
Link Units
See also Units
flags, 55
logic block instructions, converting to mnemonic code, 81–87
logic blocks. See ladder diagram
logic instructions, 275–279
LR area, 69
mapping, expansion keyboard mapping, 411
memory all clear, 93
memory areas
clearing, 93
definition, 23
Memory Cassettes, transferring C200HS programs, 8
memory clear, 96
memory partial clear, 94
messages, programming, 303, 304
mnemonic code, converting, 76–88
models, C200HS, 501
modifying data, hex/binary, 396
binary, 403
differentiation monitoring, 401
monitoring 3 words, 402
mounting Units, location, 15
nesting, subroutines, 283
non-fatal operating errors, 445
normally closed condition, definition, 76
NOT, definition, 76
one-to-one link, wiring, 430
one-to-one link communications, I/O response timing, 383
operand bit, 76
operands, 138
allowable designations, 138
requirements, 138
operating modes, 91
operation, preparations, 91–103
Optical I/O Unit, Error flag, 51
output bit
application, 30
controlling, via Output OFF bit, 42
controlling ON/OFF time, 151
controlling status, 120, 121
definition, 3
output device, definition, 3
output point, definition, 3
output signal, definition, 3
password, entering on Programming Console, 92
configuration, 15
definition, 3
flowchart, 361
PC Link Systems
error bits and flags, 40–41
LR area application, 69
PC Setup, 60
default, 60
Peripheral Device Flags, 54
Peripheral Devices, Connecting through SYSMAC LINK, 54
peripheral devices, 5
Programming Console, 5, 88–91
SYSMAC Support Software (SSS), 5
peripheral port, communications
receiving, 428
transmitting, 427
power supply, Power OFF Counter, 54
precautions, general, xiii
present value. See PV
program execution, 126
Program Memory
setting address and reading content, 104–105
structure, 76
checks for syntax, 108–110
entering and editing, 105
example, using shift register, 172
inputting, modifying and checking, 104–120
inserting and deleting instructions, 112–114
instructions, 517
jumps, 119
precautions, 124
preparing data in data areas, 181
searching, 111–112
setting and reading from memory address, 104
simplification with differentiated instructions, 152
writing, 74
Programming Console, 88–91
See also peripheral devices
programs, transferring from C200H, 8
Protocol Macro function, 433
PROTOCOL MACRO instruction, 335
accessing via PC area, 69
CNTR(12), 170
timers and counters, 159