Output Solutions 650 Printer User Manual

ESC X n1 n2 n3
Hex: (1B 58 n1 n2 n3)H
Decimal: (27 88 n1 n2 n3)D
Octal: (33 130 n1 n2 n3)O
ESC a n Set justification
Hex: (1B 61 n)H
Decimal: (27 97 n)D
Octal: (33 141 n)O
ESC c n1 n2
Hex: (1B 63 n1 n2)H
Decimal: (27 99 n1 n2)D
Octal: (33 143 n1 n2)O
ESC k n Set font
Hex: (1B 6B n)H
Decimal: (27 107 n)D
Octal: (33 153 n)O
ESC q n Set/reset shadow font
Hex: (1B 71 n)H
Decimal: (27 113 n)D
Octal: (33 161)O
ESC ( G nL nH Set raster graphic mode
Hex: (1B 28 47 nL nH)H
Decimal: (27 40 71 nL nH)D
Octal: (33 50 107 nL nH)O
(nH * 256 + nL) defines the number of following bytes in this command
ESC ( X nL nH Set background print
Hex: (1B 28 58 nL nH)H
Decimal: (27 40 88 nL nH)D
Octal: (33 50 130 nL nH)O n)O