Glossary-33360-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check. A mathematical method of confirming the integrity of
received digital data.
CRC4 CRC using four check bits.
CRC5 CRC using five check bits.
CRC6 CRC using six check bits.
CSA Canadian Standards Association.
CSU Channel Service Unit. Protects the E1 line from damage and regenerates the E1
Ctrl branch Control branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
CTS Clear-to-Send. V.24 circuit 106.
Cust1 Customer 1 configuration area. The first of two sets of customer-defined
configuration options.
Cust2 Customer 2 configuration area. The second of two sets of customer-defined
configuration options.
daisy chaining Connecting the COM port of one E1 NTU to the AUX port of another E1 NTU to
provide SNMP connectivity.
database An organized compilation of computerized data.
data port The electrical interface between the E1 NTU and the synchronous data terminal
DB15 connector A 15-position connector used on cables or devices.
DB25 connector A 25-position connector used on cables or devices.
DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment or Data Communications Equipment. A device
which provides signal conversion for communication between the DTE and the
DCLB Data Channel Loopback. Loops the data received from the network interface, for all
DS0 channels allocated to the selected port, back to the network.
default A preset value that is assumed to be correct unless changed by the user.
DevFail Device Failure. A message that indicates that an internal failure has been detected
by the operating firmware. An 8-digit code appears for use by service personnel.
DevHS branch Device Health and Status branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
device A mechanical, electrical, or electronic unit with a special purpose.
digital signal A signal composed of discrete elements (zeros and ones) instead of a great
multitude of analog elements.
diskette A thin, flexible magnetic disk enclose in a protective jacket.
DLB DTE Loopback. Loops the received signal on the G.703 DTE port back to the DTE
without change.
DL branch Download branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
download A process that transfers device firmware from a locally-attached PC to a device, or
allows the duplication of firmware from a local device to a remote device.
downstream device A device that is connected farther from the host computer.
drop/insert An interconnection point for terminals, multiplexers, and transmission facilities.
Individual channels may be inserted into the aggregate stream or dropped out to
accommodate specific applications.