C-2 December 1996 3360-A2-GB20-20
DTE Interface
Configuration Options
Table C-1
DTE Interface Configuration Options
DTE Port: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
G.703 DTE Port. Enables the use of the G.703 DTE port.
Enab – Allows the use of the G.703 DTE interface.
Disab – Prohibits the use of the G.703 DTE interface.
NOTE: When this configuration option is disabled, you cannot display or configure any other DTE Interface
configuration options and TS16 is set to data. If a clock source configuration option is set to DTE, it is changed
to NET.
DTE Frame: noCRC
Next CRC4 noCRC Prev
DTE Line Framing Format. Designates the framing format for the G.703 DTE interface.
CRC4 – Configures for the CRC4 framing format.
noCRC – Configures for the non-CRC4 framing format.
DTE Coding: HDB3
Next AMI HDB3 Prev
DTE Line Coding. Designates the line coding format to be used on the G.703 DTE interface.
AMI – Uses the Alternate Mark Inversion coding format.
HDB3 – Uses the High Density Bipolar 3 coding format.
Extrn DLB: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
DTE Loopback on External Contact. Allows the initiation and termination of a DTE Loopback (DLB) by an external
contact. For more information, see the
G.703 DTE Interface
section in Appendix D,
Pin Assignments
Enab – Allows the E1 NTU to begin a DLB when the external contact is closed (if the current E1 NTU state allows a DLB
to be performed). If the E1 NTU is already performing a DLB, closing the contact will have no effect. Opening the contact
takes the E1 NTU out of DLB. The E1 NTU remains in DLB as long as the contact remains closed.
Disab – Prevents the state of the external contact from affecting the operation of DLB.
Send Ones: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Send All Ones on DTE Failure. Specifies the action to take on the signal transmitted to the network when a valid signal
cannot be recovered from the G.703 DTE interface (due to an LOS, OOF, or AIS condition).
Enab – Sends all ones on the DS0 channels allocated to the network interface when an LOS, AIS, or OOF condition
occurs on the G.703 DTE interface.
Disab – Passes the data unchanged to the network interface channels.