C – Messages
Zoning Dialog
C-18 59022-08 Rev. B
Error saving zoning Verify that the specified zoning
configuration file exists on a file system
that is reachable, and that the user has
permissions to write the file.
Failed to obtain admin privileges Verify that another user is not currently
modifying the switch configuration, using
either the management application, or a
telnet login, or any application, and then
retry the operation.
Invalid name. Valid names start with a
letter and valid chars include:
all alphanumeric chars [aA - zZ] [0 - 9]
symbols ['$', '_', and '-'
Select a valid name for the object and retry
the operation.
Maximum number of zones created. Remove unnecessary objects from the
zoning configuration and retry the
No member(s) selected; nothing to add. Select the members to add, then retry the
No response from the switch.
Saving zoning data failed
Verify that the user has permissions to
modify the configuration on the switch, that
the switch is reachable in the fabric, and
that the fabric is reachable from the user’s
workstation, then refresh the zoning
information from the switch to determine
whether any of the zoning configuration
has been applied. If necessary, re-edit the
zoning configuration and apply to the
switch again.
The maximum number of members has
been reached.
The maximum number of members per
zone has been reached
Remove unnecessary objects from the
zoning configuration and retry the
The orphan set is a place a holder for
zones that are not in a set. It can not be
Do not attempt to delete the orphan zone
Table C-11. Zoning Dialog Messages (Continued)
Message User Action