Inspecting and Identifying a Cartridge
96154 • Revision K Chapter 5 Cartridge Information 81
• Diagnostic
• Cleaning
There are two types of data cartridges (see FIGURE 5-3 to identify these cartridges);
standard (500 GB) and sport (120 GB). These cartridges are under warranty for 10,000
(ten-thousand) mounts.
Cleaning cartridges clean the tape path and read/write head up to 100 times, after
which, the tape drive rejects the cartridge.
Important: After 15,000 mounts, a tape drive Y KNNP Q Vaccept the cartridge.
The tape is under warranty for 200 full file writes to the media. The tape drive issues a
warning message when that number is exceeded giving you time to transfer the data.
Note – The T10000 cartridge can be used only in a T10000 tape drive, and the T10000
tape drive accepts no other type of cartridge.
TABLE 5-3 lists the specifications of the T10000 cartridge.
TABLE 5-3 T10000 Cartridge Specifications
Specifications Performance
Capacity, native
T10000A 500 GB
Read/Write speed
T10000A 2.0 to 4.95 m/s
Format Search/Rewind speed —
9. Number of tracks
Physical length
Recordable length
Form factor
Track-following servo
917 m (3,009 ft)
855 m (2,805 ft)
Advanced metal
Drop strength
2.54 cm (1.00 in.)
10.9cm (4.29in.)
12.5cm (4.92in.)
264 g (9.31 oz)
1.00 m (39.4 in.)