96154 • Revision K Contents xiii
▼ To locate a drive 63
Moving the Robot 63
▼ To move the robot, follow these precautions: 63
Mounting a Cartridge 65
▼ To manually mount a cartridge 65
Dismounting a Cartridge 66
Exiting the Library 67
Placing the Drives to Online 68
T9840/T9940 Drive Display 68
LTO Ultrium Drives 68
Placing the Library Online 68
Powering-off the Library 68
▼ To power-off the library 68
Powering-on the Library 71
▼ To power-on the library 71
Maintenance Mode of Operation 71
Service Safety Door Operation 71
Left Maintenance Area 72
Right Maintenance Area 72
5. Cartridge Information 75
Cartridge Requirements 75
Ordering Cartridges and Labels 75
Handling a Cartridge 76
Inspecting and Identifying a Cartridge 76
StorageTek Cartridges 77
T9840 Cartridge 77
T9940 Cartridge 79
T10000 Data Cartridges 80