NIC csgnic (
Device = eth0
NetworkHosts = { "", "" }
NotifierMngr ntfr (
SnmpConsoles = { "saturn" = Error, "jupiter" = SevereError }
SmtpServer = ""
SmtpRecipients = { "" = Warning,
"" = Error }
VRTSWebApp VCSweb (
Critical = 0
InstallDir = "/opt/VRTSweb/VERITAS"
TimeForOnline = 5
RestartLimit = 3
VCSweb requires webip
ntfr requires csgnic
webip requires csgnic
// resource dependency tree
// group ClusterService
// {
// VRTSWebApp VCSweb
// {
// IP webip
// {
// NIC csgnic
// }
// }
// NotifierMngr ntfr
// {
// NIC csgnic
// }
// }
group VxSS (
109Verifying the VCS installation
About the VCS configuration file