■ VRTSvcsmn — Manual pages for VCS commands
About the VCS installation program
You can access the installvcs program from the command line or through the
Veritas product installer.
The VCS installation program is interactive and manages the following tasks:
■ Licensing VCS
■ Installing VCS RPMs on multiple cluster systems
■ Configuring VCS, by creating several detailed configuration files on each
■ Starting VCS processes
You can choose to configure different optional features, such as the following:
■ SNMP and SMTP notification
■ The Symantec Product Authentication Services feature
■ The wide area Global Cluster feature
Review the highlights of the information for which installvcs program prompts
you as you proceed to configure.
See “About preparing to install VCS” on page 29.
The uninstallvcs program, a companion to installvcs program, uninstalls VCS
See “About the uninstallvcs program” on page 153.
Optional features of the installvcs program
Table 4-1 specifies the optional actions that the installvcs program can perform.
Table 4-1
installvcs optional features
ReferenceOptional action
check” on page 49.
Check the systems to verify that they meet
the requirements to install VCS.
on page 59.
Install VCS RPMs withoutconfiguring VCS.
See “Configuring VCS using configure
option” on page 59.
Configure or reconfigure VCS when VCS
RPMs are already installed.
55Installing and configuring VCS
About the VCS installation program