Installing the root broker for the security infrastructure
Install theroot broker only if youplan to use AT toconfigure the cluster in secure
mode. The root broker administrator must install and configure the root broker
before you configure the Authentication Service forVCS. Symantec recommends
that you install the root broker on a stable system that is outside the cluster.
You can install the root broker on an AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris system.
See Symantec Product Authentication Service documentation for more
See “About Symantec Product Authentication Service (AT)” on page 19.
To install the root broker
Change to the directory where you can start the Veritas product installer:
# ./installer
From the opening Selection Menu,choose: I for "Install/Upgrade a Product."
From the displayed list of products to install, choose: Symantec Product
Authentication Service.
To install the root broker, select the mode of AT installation as root mode
from the three choices that the installer presents:
1)Root+AB Mode
2)Root Mode
3)AB Mode
Enter the mode which you would like AT installed? [1-3,q] 2
Enter the name of the system where you want to install the root broker.
Enter the system name on which to install AT: venus
Review the output as the installer does the following:
■ Checks to make sure that VCS supports the operating system
■ Checks if the system is already configured for security
Reviewthe outputasthe installerchecks forthe installedRPMs onthesystem.
Theinstaller liststhe RPMsthatthe programis aboutto install onthe system.
Press Enter to continue.
Review the output as the installer installs the root broker on the system.
33Preparing to install VCS
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode