Table 3-1
Preparatory tasks to configure a cluster in secure mode
Who performs
this task
VCSadministratorDecideone ofthefollowing configurationmodesto setup aclusterin
secure mode:
■ Automatic mode
■ Semi-automatic mode
■ Manual mode
AT administratorInstall the root broker on a stable system in the enterprise.
See “Installing the root broker for the security infrastructure”
on page 33.
AT administratorOnthe rootbroker system,createauthentication brokeraccounts for
each node in the cluster.
See“Creatingauthentication brokeraccountsonrootbrokersystem”
on page 34.
AT administrator requires the following information from the VCS
■ Nodenamesthataredesignatedtoserveasauthenticationbrokers
■ Password for each authentication broker
AT administratorTo use the semi-automatic mode, create the encrypted files (BLOB
files) for each node and provide the files to the VCS administrator.
See “Creating encrypted files for the security infrastructure”
on page 35.
ATadministrator requiresthefollowingadditional informationfrom
the VCS administrator:
■ Administrator password for each authentication broker
Typically, the password is the same for all nodes.
AT administratorTo use the manual mode, provide the root_hash file
(/opt/VRTSat/bin/root_hash)fromthe rootbrokersystemtothe VCS
VCSadministratorCopy thefiles that are required toconfigure a cluster in securemode
to the system from where you plan to install and configure VCS.
on page 37.
Preparing to install VCS
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode