command option verifies that the same serial number for the LUN is returned on
all paths to the LUN.
Make sure to test the disks that serve as coordinator disks.
The vxfentsthdw utility has additional options suitable for testing many disks.
Review the options for testing the disk groups (-g) and the disks that are listed
in a file (-f). You can also test disks without destroying data using the -r option.
See Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
Checking that disks support SCSI-3 involves the following tasks:
■ Verifying that nodes have access to the same disk
See “Verifying that the nodes have access to the same disk” on page 96.
■ Testing the shared disks for SCSI-3
See “Testing the disks using vxfentsthdw utility” on page 97.
Verifying that the nodes have access to the same disk
Before you test the disks that you plan to use as shared data storage or as
coordinator disks using the vxfentsthdw utility, you must verify that the systems
see the same disk.
To verify that the nodes have access to the same disk
Verify the connection of the shared storage for data to two of the nodes on
which you installed VCS.
Ensure that both nodes are connected to the same disk during the testing.
Use the vxfenadm command to verify the disk serial number.
/sbin/vxfenadm -i diskpath
Refer to the vxfenadm (1M) manual page.
For example, an EMC disk is accessible by the /dev/sdx path on node A and
the /dev/sdy path on node B.
From node A, enter:
# /sbin/vxfenadm -i /dev/sdx
SCSI ID=>Host: 2 Channel: 0 Id: 0 Lun: E
Vendor id : EMC
Product id : SYMMETRIX
Revision : 5567
Serial Number : 42031000a
Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
Preparing to configure disk-based I/O fencing