About I/O fencing
I/O fencing protects the data on shared disks when nodes in a cluster detect a
change in the cluster membership that indicates a split brain condition.
See the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
The fencing operation determines the following:
■ The nodes that must retain access to the shared storage
■ The nodes that must be ejected from the cluster
This decision prevents possible data corruption. The installvcs program installs
theVCS I/Ofencing driver,VRTSvxfen. Toprotect dataon shareddisks, youmust
configure I/O fencing after you install and configure VCS.
I/O fencing technology uses coordination points for arbitration in the event of a
network partition.
Note: Symantec recommends that you use I/O fencing to protect your cluster
against split-brain situations.
About VCS optional components
You can add the following optional components to VCS:
See “About Symantec Product Authentication Service
(AT)” on page 19.
Symantec Product
Authentication Service
on page 20.
Veritas Cluster Server
Management Console
See“AboutClusterManager(JavaConsole)”onpage20.Cluster Manager (Java console)
See “About VCS Simulator” on page 20.VCS Simulator
To configure the optional components, make sure to install all RPMs when the
installation program prompts you.
Figure 1-4 illustrates a sample VCS deployment with the optional components
Introducing Veritas Cluster Server
About VCS optional components