Enter y when the installer prompts you to configure the Symantec Product
Authentication Service.
Press the Enter key to start the Authentication Server processes.
Do you want to start Symantec Product Authentication Service
processes now? [y,n,q] y
Enter an encryption key. Make sure that you enter a minimum of five
You must use this encrypted key with the -enckeyfile option when you use
the -responsefile option for installation.
Press Enter to continue and review the output as the installer displays the
location of the installation log files, summary file, and the response file.
Creating authentication broker accounts on root broker system
Onthe rootbrokersystem, theadministrator mustcreate anauthenticationbroker
(AB) account for each node in the cluster.
To create authentication broker accounts on root broker system
Determine the root broker domain name. Enter the following command on
the root broker system:
venus> # vssat showalltrustedcreds
For example, the domain name resembles "Domain Name:
root@venus.symantecexample.com" in the output.
For each node in the cluster, verify whether an account exists on the root
broker system.
For example, to verify that an account exists for node galaxy:
venus> # vssat showprpl --pdrtype root \
--domain root@venus.symantecexample.com --prplname galaxy
■ If the output displays the principal account on root broker for the
authentication broker on the node, then delete the existing principal
accounts. For example:
venus> # vssat deleteprpl --pdrtype root \
--domain root@venus.symantecexample.com \
--prplname galaxy --silent
Preparing to install VCS
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode