Advanced VCS installation
This appendix includes the following topics:
■ Using the UDP layer for LLT
■ Performing automated VCS installations
■ Installing VCS with a response file where ssh or rsh are disabled
Using the UDP layer for LLT
VCS 5.0 RU3 provides the option of using LLT over the UDP (User Datagram
Protocol) layer for clusters using wide-area networks and routers. UDP makes
LLT packets routable and thus able to span longer distances more economically.
Note: LLT over UDP is not supported on IPv6.
When to use LLT over UDP
Use LLT over UDP in the following situations:
■ LLT must be used over WANs
■ When hardware, such as blade servers, do not support LLT over Ethernet
LLT over UDP is slower than LLT over Ethernet. Use LLT over UDP only when the
hardware configuration makes it necessary.
Configuring LLT over UDP
The following checklist is to configure LLT over UDP: