Toshiba MA-516-100 Cash Register User Manual

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MA-516-100 SERIES
77 CHK TEND (Check Tender)
78 Chg (Charge Total)
(Miscellaneous Tender)
80 CPN (Media Coupon Tender)
82 ST (Subtotal)
83 R/A (Received-on-Account)
84 PO (Paid Out)
85 NS (No-sale)
86 PR OPEN (Preset Price Open)
87 LC OPEN (Listing Capacity Open)
88 OPEN (PR & LC Open)
89 VALI DATE (Validation)
90 # (Non-add Number Print)
91 #/NS (Non-add Number/No-sale)
92 PLU (Price-Look-Up)
93 @/FOR (At/For; Multiplication)
94 RECEIPT ISSUE (Post-receipt)
95 C (Clear)
Key Code Key Name
Key Code Key Name
97 TX/M or TX1/M (Tax 1 Modifier)
98 TX2/M (Tax 2 Modifier)
99 TXBL TL (Taxable Total)
100 TAX (Manual Tax)
101 EX (Tax Exempt)
107 DPT SHIFT (Department Shift)
108 AMT (Amount)
115 FS/M (Food Stamp Modifier)
for US
GST/M (GST Modifier)
117 CASH1 (Cash Payment 1)
118 CASH2 (Cash Payment 2)
119 CASH3 (Cash Payment 3)
120 FSTL TEND (Food Stamp Tender)
121 CUR1 (Foreign Currency 1)
122 CUR2 (Foreign Currency 2)
123 CUR3 (Foreign Currency 3)
124 CUR4 (Foreign Currency 4)
127 LOG/RECEIPT (Log/Receipt)
*1. At least one Department Key is required to be installed. On the standard keyboard layout
initially set at the factory, each of the department keys is designed to control two departments
as printed on a key sticker, using the [DPT SHIFT] key.
*2. The [#/NS] key has both [#] and [NS] functions. Therefore, when [#/NS] is installed, neither
[#] nor [NS] are necessary.
*3. Whether the key assigned with Key Code 115 will be [FS/M] or [GST/M] is decided by
Chapter 22. System Option Setting, Address 14 - Bit 1 selection on page 132.
*4. When the Signing Method is selected for cashier identification ( refer to Chapter 17 on page
36), this key must be installed. In other cashier identifying methods, this key merely functions
as receipt issue/non-issue key.