Toshiba MA-516-100 Cash Register User Manual

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MA-516-100 SERIES
Food Stamp Modification (Food Stamp Modifier Key)
This key is used to reverse the Food Stamp status (Food-stampable or Non-stampable) of a required Department
or PLU item to be entered in a sale. It is also used to reverse the Food Stamp status of [%+], [%-], [DOLL DISC],
[VND CPN], and [STR CPN] keys.
The [FS/M] key operates the same as Tax Modifier Keys on the preceding page.
NOTES 1. As for the Food Stamp status of each Department, refer to “Programming Department Status”
on page 40. The Food Stamp status of each PLU is determined by the status of the link
2. As for the Food Stamp status of each of [% +], [% -], [DOLL DISC], [VND CPN], and [STR CPN]
keys, refer to Chapter 22: System Option Setting, Addresses 3 & 4 and supplementary
descriptions on pages 122 and 123.
Depress at any of these positions for reversing the Tax (PST) 1 status of the [DOLL DISC] key.
Depress the required Modifier Key(s) prior to or any time during (before the final key at the latest) the entry
sequence of the following operations for Departments and PLUs already described. More than one Modifier Keys
can be depressed for the same item entry:
Percent Charge
Percent Discount
Dollar Discount
Vendor Coupon
Store Coupon
The tax status of each key
(refer to Chapter 22: System
Option Setting, Addresses 3 & 4 and supplementary
descriptions on pages 122 and 123)
is reversed:
Taxable Non-taxable
Non-taxable Taxable
Example) Reversing Tax (PST) 1 status of Dollar Discount entry:
Sale Item Entries
Amount to be
Final Key of the