Toshiba MA-516-100 Cash Register User Manual

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MA-516-100 SERIES
NOTES 1. When a rate is manually entered through a % key preset with a rate, the manual rate prevails.
2. A % entry will cause an error if operated after an Other Income Department or Negative
Department entry.
3. A % entry after obtaining a Subtotal is usually allowed only once. However. it can be
programmed to allow multiple times. (Refer to Chapter “22. System Option Setting”,
Address 16 - Bit 2 on page 134.)
4. You can select the rounding process of the fractions of the product (result of multiplication)
-- ROUND OFF (initial setting), ROUND UP, or ROUND DOWN. (Refer to Chapter “22.
System Option Setting”, Address 2 - Bits 1 and 2 on page 120.)
5. The Percent Discount operation can be programmed to require the MGR position of the
Control Lock. (Refer to “22. System Option Setting”, Address 5 - Bit 3 on page 124.)
6. Each of the % keys has its own Tax (PST) Status, GST Status, and Food Stamp Status
programmed. Refer to “Tax Modification” (page 66) and “Food Stamp Modification”
(page 67) for reversing the status.
Example of % Discount on Item Example of % Charge on Sale Total
Dept. 1 $6.00
5% on $6.00
= $0.30 is
Amount to be discounted
(max. 7 digits)
Subtotal $15.00
10% on $15.00
= $1.50 is
Dollar Discount (Dollar Discount Key)
Dollar Discount is used to subtract an amount from the sale total.
Use the REG Key to turn the
Control Lock to “REG”.
(The Dollar Discount operation
requires the MGR position if so
programmed by System Option.)
Sale Item Entries
NOTES 1. For entering a Dollar Discount that will cause the sale total into negative (credit balance), refer
to Chapter “22. System Option Setting” Address 2 - Bit 3 on page 120:
If status “Credit Balance Prohibited” (initial status) is selected:
Over-subtraction of the sale total by Dollar Discount causes an error.
If status “Credit Balance Allowed” is selected:
Over-subtraction of the sale total by Dollar Discount is possible.