VXI VX1420A Computer Hardware User Manual

VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
To remove the Temperature Sense board, perform Procedure 1 on page 8–5 to
remove the mainframe cover, and then complete the following steps:
1. Disconnect the ribbon cable from the Temperature Sense board.
2. Refer to Figure 8–12 and gently pry up on each retainer holding the
Temperature Sense board in place.
3. Tilt the board forward and lift the board out of the holes at the top of the
mainframe, being careful not to damage any components on the circuit
NOTE. If you replace the Temperature Sense board, you have to calibrate the
mainframe. Refer to Adjustment Procedures beginning on page 7–1 for
information on calibrating the mainframe.
sense board
Figure 8–12: Removing the temperature sense board
Procedure 7: Removing
the Temperature Sense