Xerox 128 Printer User Manual

DocuTech 128/155/180 HighLight Color Operator Guide 5-9
Technical information
3 hole drilled, edge
reinforced, 4024 DP
Do not stitch or bind. Do not run with tabs.
Tabs can be inserted off-line.
For optimum satisfaction, use the paper trays
1 and 2 plate assembly. The plate assembly
can be ordered by a Customer Service
Representative. Up to 500 sheets can be
placed in the tray.
Load the paper into all trays with holes to the
left, reinforced side down.
Select <Properties...> on the Trays pull-
down menu. On the Stock window, under
Type, select <Drilled>.
Image quality problems may occur near the
reinforcement with side 2 printing.
Remove the paper immediately before use to
ensure that prints stay flat.
Print with no more than 200 sheets in a tray.
Select a quantity of 50 or fewer at a time.
Transparencies with a
0.5 inch (13 mm) white
Load the stock with the white stripe to the
right into trays 1 and 2.
Load the shiny side up for optimum
Removable stripe
Do not load more than 50 removable-stripe
transparencies into trays 1 and 2.
With the white stripe to the right, place the
transparencies on top of approximately 50
sheets of paper in the tray.
Do not run as inserts to a bound job. Printing
is not allowed on inserts.
Tabs Mylar tabs should be run out of tray 4.
Preprinted stock Preprinted forms must be made up of ink that
has the following characteristics:
Can withstand temperatures up to 400°F
Can withstand pressure of 140 psi at the
above temperature
Can withstand the above conditions for 25
High speed
transparencies with
white stripe
Load the stock with the stripe to the right in
trays 1 and 2.
Label stock Load the stock face up into trays 1 and 2;
face down into trays 3, 4, and 5.
Do not select 2-sided prints.
Letterhead (preprinted) Load the paper into trays 3, 4, and 5; side 1
with the printed side down, top edge to the
front of the tray.
Load the paper into trays 1 and 2; side 1 up
with the top edge to the front of the tray.
Do not use freshly preprinted paper in trays 1
and 2.
Stock Type Instructions for use