
Cause Solution
Defective paper feeder pickup solenoid. Disconnect the paper feeder pickup solenoid connector
J4002 from the paper feeder. PCB. Measure the resistance
between the connector J4002-1 (SL) and J4002-2 (+24VA).
If it is not approx. 160 ohms, replace the paper feeder
pickup solenoid.
Defective paper feeder pickup clutch. Disconnect the paper feeder pickup clutch connector J4003
from the paper feeder PCB. Measure the resistance
between the connector J4003-1 (CL) and J4003-2 (+24VA).
If it is not approx. 160 ohms, replace the paper feeder
pickup clutch.
Defective paper feeder PCB. Replace the 500-sheet paper feeder PCB.
Defective DC controller PCB. Replace the DC controller PCB.
Area 4: transfer/feed area jam troubleshooting
Table 7-9. Transfer/feed area
Cause Solution
If the jam has occurred around a feed
roller indicates a dirty, worn, deformed
registration roller or registration sub roller.
If dirty, clean the rollers. If worn or deformed, replace the
pick-up/feed assembly
If around a registration roller, indicates
defective registration shutter.
If the movement of the registration shutter is not smooth,
make it smooth. If its springs are out of positions, reseat
them. Clean the shutter if dirty. Replace the pick-up feed
assembly if deformed.
Dirty/Worn/Deformed registration roller or
registration sub roller.
If dirty, clean the rollers. If worn or deformed, replace the
pick-up feed assembly.
Defective registration shutter. If the movement of the registration shutter is not smooth,
make it smooth. If its springs are out of positions, reseat
them. Clean the shutter if dirty. Replace the pick-up feed
assembly if deformed.
Damaged drive gears. Check the drive gears in the pickup block. If damaged,
replace the gears.
Defective registration clutch. Disconnect the registration clutch connector J1016 from the
DC controller PCB. Measure the resistance between the
connector J1016-8 (REGCL) and J1016-7 (+24VA). If it is
not approx. 160 ohms, replace the registration clutch.
Defective DC controller PCB. Replace the DC controller PCB.
Front door area jams (area 4)
Table 7-8. Causes for jams in the fuser/face-down delivery area (continued)
362 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting ENWW