Accepting a defect
When you accept a defect or feature, you accept the responsibility of resolving it. A
defect or feature might require changes in more than one release. If the component
includes the design, size, and review process, these releases were identified during the
size state, and TeamConnection created a work area for each identified release. If the
component does not include the design, size, and review process, you will need to
create a work area manually.
When the first work area moves to the complete state, the defect or feature
automatically moves to the verify state or closed state.
Alex, now the owner of the defect, accepts the defect by doing one of the following:
From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Defects → Accept from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.
The Accept Defects window appears.
Note: The Accept Defects window in this example may be different than one you
may see based on your environment. Configurable fields may or may not be
shown depending on any configurable fields set by you or your administrator,
2. Types 456 in the Defects field and selects program_defect from the Answer list.
3. Selects OK.
Figure 25. Accept Defects window
80 User’s Guide