Approving the fix.......................81
Checking out a part ......................82
Checking in the changes ....................83
Freezing the work area....................85
Building the application ...................86
Accepting fix records .....................87
Integrating changed parts into a release ...............88
Adding a driver member ...................88
Reconciling the differences ..................89
Refreshing the driver ....................91
Building the driver .....................92
Restricting the driver ....................93
Integrating the parts.....................94
Completing the driver ....................95
Testing the built application ..................96
Using a configured process ...................97
Retrieving a past version of a part .................97
Part 3. Using TeamConnection Notes Integrated Databases ........101
Chapter 7. Introduction to TeamConnection Integrated Notes Databases 103
Getting started .......................103
Prerequisites and dependencies .................104
Using TeamConnection with Lotus Notes ...............104
Sources of user information ..................104
Database types ......................105
Forms and subforms ....................106
Reviews ........................109
Document archiving.....................109
Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases .....111
Initializing the original template and creating a database..........112
Creating customized production databases ..............116
Performing reconciliation ....................118
Database maintenance: refreshing design from a template .........119
Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization....121
Rules of thumb and general advice.................121
Using the Customization setup facility ................122
Notes Database Customization .................123
Modify TeamConnection Access.................124
Reconciliation of Notes and TeamConnection Data ..........124
Advanced customization ....................125
Part 4. Using TeamConnection to build applications............127
Chapter 10. Basic build concepts ................129
Contents v