This command will stop all queued and in_progress builds. Any build events already
performed for that build are not undone.
For example, if Greg cancels the build of msgcat.exe when the compile steps have
been completed, then the link step is not performed. However, the newly compiled
hello.obj and bye.obj are left in the database, with their build times updated.
More sample build trees
The msgcat.exe example is just one possible build tree. Here are some others.
Defining multiple outputs from a single build event
Figure 65 shows part of the build tree for robot.dll:
Because the build tree shows the relationships between parts hierarchically, robot.map
is a child of robot.dll, even though it is actually built from the same input part, robot.cpp.
But robot.map is defined as an
of robot.dll. Here are the commands to set up
this relationship.
First come the commands to create the parts:
teamc part -create robot.dll -builder dll_builder -binary -empty
-release 9503 -component robot
teamc part -create robot.cpp -release 9503 -component robot
teamc part -create robot.map -builder dll_builder -binary -empty
-release 9503 -component robot
Next are the commands to connect the parts into the build tree:
teamc part -connect robot.cpp -parent robot.dll -input -release 9503
teamc part -connect robot.map -parent robot.dll -output -release 9503
You might use this command to start the build:
Figure 65. The build tree for robot.dll
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 195