
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool
The Gather tool automates the movement of software and data from one directory to
another on the same machine to prepare a package for electronic distribution. It can
copy or erase files; it can create or delete directories.
This tool takes a list of input files and moves them into a directory structure as directed
by a package specification file. You specify the target root directory path in this file,
along with a collection of rules that instruct which files to copy to which directories. How
these files and directories are actually handled is controlled via option flags.
By writing different package specification files, you can take the same input files and
transfer them into different target directory structures.
Take the robot application as an example. We previously showed one possible directory
structure, with each subdirectory containing files with the same extension:
By writing a different package file, you might put both .dll and .exe files in the same
target directory:
You can build both target directories concurrently.
Using the teamcpak command for the Gather tool
To start the Gather tool, use the teamcpak command. This command is found in the
directory where the TeamConnection family server is installed. If it is started from a
build script, it does not need to be in the execution path of the machine from which the
build is started.
The complete command syntax for teamcpak gather looks like the following; you must
supply a value for the words that start with a capital letter, such as String. You must
specify the command parameters in the order shown.
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