From a command line, they both issue the following command for the approval record
that they have:
teamc approval -accept -workarea 456 -release robot_control
After both Linda and Sam accept the approval records, TeamConnection moves the
work area to the fix state.
Checking out a part
Now that the approval records have been accepted, Alex can check out the necessary
parts. He decides that modifications are again required to the part optics.c. So, that is
the part he checks out.
Alex must specify the work area on the check-out command so that the part is obtained
from the defect’s work area. He does one of the following:
From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Parts → Check out from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.
2. Types the following:
v optics.c in the Path names field
v robot_control in the Release field
v 456 in the Work area field
v d:\robot\src in the Destination directory field
3. Selects OK.
Figure 26. Accept Approval Records window
82 User’s Guide