From a command line, she issues the following command:
teamc workarea -refresh 415 -release robot_control
This command refreshes her work area with the latest view of the release. Her work
area now contains the following part versions:
brain.c (Jenny's modification 3)
brain.obj (Jenny's modification 3)
brain.exe (has Jenny's brain.c modification 3 and optics.c modification 4)
hand.c (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)
hand.obj (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)
optics.c (Jenny's modification 4)
optics.obj (Jenny's modification 4)
Integrating the work area
The refresh shows Jenny only the parts integrated with the release. She does not see
Alex’s work because he has not integrated his work area yet. Jenny rebuilds the
application, tests it, and decides she is ready to integrate her changes. She does one of
the following:
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Records →Fix records →Complete from the Actions pull-down menu on the
Tasks window. The Complete Fix Records window appears.
2. Types 415 in the Work areas field, robot_control in the Releases field, and
robot_component in the Component field.
3. Selects OK.
72 User’s Guide