Part 5. Using TeamConnection to package products
Chapter 16. Using TeamConnection to package a product ........201
Setting up your build tree for packaging ...............202
Setting up a build tree for the gather tool..............202
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool ................205
Using the teamcpak command for the Gather tool............205
Command line flags.....................206
Examples of the teamcpak gather command ............208
Writing a package file for the Gather tool...............208
Syntax rules for a Gather package file...............208
Keywords for a Gather package file ..............209
Using exit keywords in the DATA clause .............212
Using exit keywords in the RULE clause .............212
Using exit keywords: an example ...............213
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool .....215
Using the teamcpak command with Tivoli Software Distribution .......215
Command line flags.....................216
Example of the teamcpak softdist command.............217
Writing a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution ...........217
Syntax rules for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file ........217
Keywords for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file .........218
Problem determination for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool ........220
Sample package file .....................221
This section describes how to use the TeamConnection packaging function, which helps
you automate the packaging and distribution of your applications. This section is written
for the person in your organization who is responsible for software distribution.
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