The following tasks are required:
For information about this task, Go to this
Refreshing the work area from the driver 71
Integrating the work area 72
Resolving differences 73
Refreshing the work area from the driver
If Alex and Jenny are working on optics.c at the same time, they must resolve their part
differences at some point, because both want to make their changes visible to the
release. If Alex and Jenny were not required to do this before committing their work
areas, the last developer to commit would always overlay the other’s changes. For this
scenario, assume that Jenny finishes her changes first. The first thing she does is
refresh her work area.
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Work areas → Refresh from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks
2. Types 415 in the Work areas field.
3. Types robot_control in the Releases field. Jenny wants to refresh from the driver.
4. Types driver name in the Source field.
5. Selects OK.
Figure 21. Refresh Work Areas window
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 71