Thus, work area 310 contains the following parts:
brain.c leg.c
brain.obj leg.obj
brain.exe foot.c
arm.c foot.obj
arm.obj optics.c (modification 1)
hand.c optics.obj
Work area 310 continues to contain the unchanged parts from the requested release
view, but now the work area is overlaid with changes local to the work area — optics.c
in this case. Alex has his own copy of the application that he can modify without
impacting other developers. Alex has checked in optics.c; however, the modified part
remains locked until the work area is integrated with the release.
Verifying and testing part updates
Alex now requests a build of brain.exe, the high-level program for the robot control
From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Parts → Build from the Actions pull-down menu. The Build Parts window
2. Types the following, and then selects OK to start the build:
v brain.exe in the Path name field
v robot_control in the Release field
v 310 in the Work area field
v normal in the Pool field
The Pool field tells TeamConnection which set of build agents will handle this build.
Alex got the name of the pool from his build administrator.
Alex could have selected brain.exe from a list of parts on the Parts window, and
then selected Build from the Selected pull-down menu. This action would have
placed some information in the fields, such as the path name and release name.
60 User’s Guide